Thursday 1 December 2011

Class time!

When I first got my class schedule yesterday, I was slightly distressed because I thought I'd been put into the beginner's class. This (combined with the release of horrendous law results for last semester) triggered a large amount of irrational feelings towards UQ's failure to educate me. However, it turns out I'm not actually in the beginner's class, so it is okay. We are just doing the last few lessons in the beginner's book before moving onto to bigger things. 

It was really pleasant to be in a Chinese class where the teacher uses Chinese to talk to you rather than English (okay, still a little angry at UQ). My class also only has 7 people, which is nice because I had a chance to practise speaking! Lovely. I have a small mountain-load of homework developing already.

Here's some pictures of my neighbourhood...

The text on the road says something about pedestrians. I can only assume it says "If people walk on this path, please run them over with your scooter bike!" because that's what I've been experiencing.

Note the arrows on the road, perhaps meant to indicate the direction of travel (rarely followed...)

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