Monday, 12 December 2011

The time I allowed Asians to experiment on my brain

Recently when I was at the university I spotted an advertisement asking for native English speaking volunteers to take part in some kind of brain research. I didn't really look into the details, but instead signed up immediately. As a result, I spent approximately 2 hours today wearing an obscure cap over my head, with lots of wires attached and some kind of gel substance in my hair (which was horrendous to wash out...)

I had to sit at a computer and rearrange words to make sentences so that they could monitor what part of my brain was being used. They also asked me lots of questions about me being right handed, and whether I had any left handed family members? I'm still really hazy on the details, and it is possible that they actually extracted my brain during the process - but at the end they gave me NT$200 (like $5 - but enough to purchase a whole day's worth of food!) so I was pretty happy.

What an attractive image ^

After that exciting experience, I met up with a new friend Rachel! She is Taiwanese but speaks wonderful English and has also just started learning French. I think that's pretty impressive. We went to a lovely cafe and had some 巧克力起司 (Chocolate Cheese) cake and I also had some Chai tea. I'm not sure if this is the intensely Chai deprived part of my soul talking - but it was quite nice tea!

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