Friday 10 February 2012

大考試 Final Exam

I had my "final" exam on Thursday. For the other students, this exam is really important because they can't move onto the next level unless they get more than 60%. Also, if they get more than 80% they can re-sit the placement test and possibly move up a level. Since I'm not here next semester, so it doesn't matter too much but I got 85% and it's nice to know that anyway. I still have two weeks of classes left, so it's not really a "final" anyway.

In other news, I completed my sign on for next semester at UQ and for the first time in my life I actually have an awesome timetable. Very happy with myself for getting up at 4am Taiwan time for the sign on, even though I went back to sleep afterwards and missed my 8am class.

Tonight I headed over to the Shilin night market. I hated it. Wayyy too many people, and I wasn't in the mood for shopping at all. My landlord has also been showing my room to a few people today so that they can take over my lease. It's just drawing attention to how little time I have left here... 19 days :(

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