Sunday 5 February 2012

平溪天燈 Pingxi Sky Lanterns

Last night I went to the lantern festival at Pingxi on a tour arranged by the school. There was a fleet of buses arranged to take us from Shida to the location. The president of the R.O.C. (in the red jump suit below) made an appearance to write Taiwan's wish on the largest lantern there:

Here's me looking like some kind of door knocking evangelist with my name tag. That's my lantern in front of me. I forgot to write a wish on it and just wrote something like "I love Taiwan" on it...

Then a man came around with a blow torch to light up the lanterns. In a few seconds they all took off! So pretty, pictures can't really capture it.

It was like being in the movie 'Tangled' except without the swelling music and I wasn't on a boat with a perfect man. Also as we were leaving there were failed lanterns bursting into flames and falling onto trees, buildings and people which kind of ruined the mood!

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