Friday 6 January 2012

迪化街 Di Hua Street

Despite the ridiculous amount of rain that continues to ruin my life, I decided to head out today. After I finished class, I caught the MRT to Zhongshan Station and walked for about 20mins until I came to Di Hua Street. I'd heard that Di Hua really goes off in the weeks leading up to Chinese New Year, so I thought this would be the perfect time to have a look.

If you imagine China town on steroids - a million times louder, busier and more exciting, then you get Di Hua. I was able to see lots of different New Year's decorations, foods and assorted random things which I had to point at and ask 'Zhe shi shenme?' (What is this?). It was really quite fun. I think this area of Taipei doesn't have as many foreigners as the Shi Da area, so lots of people stopped me to say 'HALLO, AMERICAN?' and I got a chance to use my Chinese skills, which is always appreciated.

(Not my picture, since it turns out my camera still won't connect to the computer...)

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