Friday 27 January 2012

鹿港 Lugang

After we'd seen Zhonghua we caught a bus to Lugang (aka. Lukang). It took around 45 mins. Knowing that Lugang had experienced it's prime during the early 19th century (it was one of the largest cities in Taiwan for a while) we had expected a fairly small, nostalgic sort of place. However, it was quite built up and lively. We noticed straight away that not many Westerners are usually seen in Lugang (we got quite a few strange looks and ''HALLO!''s).

We had lunch at a stall that looked tempting. It was delicious.

We checked into the hotel and found it to be small but comfortable, until we looked in the bathroom and realise that they'd given us two absolutely tiny hand towel sized items in place of actual towels.

Dinner was FEICHANG HAO CHI (yum)!

Afterwards we played some intense card games.

On Wednesday morning we set about to further explore Lugang. We borrowed some bikes from the tourist information centre and rode around to several parks, markets and temples.

When I got back to my apartment, I said to myself "It's good to be home". I missed Taipei when I was away for just two days. I'm sorry Brisbane but you can't have me back, I'd like to stay here.

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