Monday 23 January 2012

(Chinese) New Year's Eve

Very busy day today! After church I went out to lunch with some friends.

Esther, myself and Ruby not realising that there is a photo happening

Afterwards me and Sarah went to buy train tickets for our trip to Lugang on Tuesday, and we went to DiHua Street to see if anything exciting was still happening there (it wasn't). Then tonight I went to the pastor's house along with all the other lonely foreigners who had no Chinese family to spend time with. We ate lots of yummy foods and watched a movie.

今天晚上因爲我們都沒有中國人家人,我跟很多外國人到Pastor 的家去過。我們吃過很多好吃的東西,看看電影。對不起,今晚我的中文不太好,因爲我太累了。 你可以念我的英文, 在上面^^

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